Energy transition, legally enhanced.

Expert legal advice in Climate, Energy & Environment.

Embarking on the journey of freelancing in the energy market as a lawyer is both an adventure and a logical choice. My unwavering drive for societal change and making the world a better place fuels my passion for this field. Often, legal perspectives are seen as limiting factors, but I firmly believe that they can be powerful tools to understand possibilities and design projects and contracts that leverage existing regulatory frameworks for success.

By combining my legal expertise with a deep understanding of the energy sector, I can offer invaluable guidance on navigating complex regulations and utilizing them to facilitate positive outcomes. "Change inspired by law" is not just a slogan; it's the core principle that guides my work, ensuring that the legal landscape becomes an enabler for transformative projects.

Welcome to the intersection of energy law and societal change.

Legal advice, tailored to your needs

I offer legal advice that is close to my Customers, close to their business and close to the regularotry environment. Dynamic service mentality and a broad understanding of what it needs to drive the energy transition. 

Value-driven, forward-thinking

My service is dedicated to those who try to make the energy system more sustainable. Let's create a sustainable tomorrow, one legal step at a time.

Strategic approach, combining all aspects

When realizing renewable energy projects, considering all relevant aspects is crucial: From project financing all the way through project realization and into operating the systems or marketing the commodity. 

Legal as a Service

For Energy Developers and Renewable Energy Companies, Inhouse legal counseling goes way beyond the tasks of a General Counsel. As it is hard to find a good fit, someone who understands both the internal business structures as well as the regulatory scheme does companies work in, it might not be necessary to bring on someone full time to your team. I offer the option of legal packages that should cover the specific energy / climate / environmental law needs of such players.


Verträge sind der Grundstein guter Zusammenarbeit. Sie sollen Missverständnissen vorbeugen und dafür sorgen, dass alle Vertragsparteien ihre jeweiligen Leistungen fach- und sachgerecht erbringen können. Ob Entwicklung, Errichtung, Betriebsführung- und Wartung, Einkaufs- oder Liefervertrag: Die Gestaltung ausgewogener Verträge sowie die Verhandlung spezifischer Parteiinteressen gehören zu meinen Kernkompetenzen. 


Manchmal bleibt kein anderer Weg: Die Gegenseite stellt sich quer, antwortet nicht oder weigert sich, die geschuldete Leistung zu erbringen. Dann hilft nur noch der Gang zu Gericht. Bei der Vorbereitung von Schriftsätzen und der Vertretung in der mündlichen Verhandlung unterstütze ich mit Erfahrung und Fingerspitzengefühl. 

Lawyers having team meeting with law documents and negotiating contact in office. justice and law ,attorney, court judge, concept.


Renewable Energies

Renewable Energies

Solar and Wind Systems, Heat Pumps, Electric Vehicles - supporting the Energy Industry in its most crucial redefinition.

Anlagenerrichtung | EPC

Anlagenerrichtung | EPC

Erection, Procurement, Commissioning - understanding the legal and strategic needs of Energy Developers.

Operations & Maintenance

Operations & Maintenance

Got your energy system built up? Operating a PV System, a Charging Station for Electric Vehicles or a Renewable (ready) Heating System, good care has to be taken. Best to avoid legal obstacles from the beginning.



When selling renewable commodities, no matter if electricity or heat, many regulatory schemes must be considered.

Contracting | Heat and Energy Efficiency

Contracting | Heat and Energy Efficiency

Among the biggest emmission reduction potential, the heating sector especially needs clever legal advice. 

Climate & Environmental Law

Climate & Environmental Law

Resstrictions on GHG Emissions, environmental permits and the rules of EU Taxonomy | Assistance in the jungle of the regulatory network

Based in Berlin, I bring over 10 years of experience in energy law, specializing in the dynamic field of energy transition. I am deeply passionate about facilitating this global shift towards sustainable energy and working with clients who share the vision of creating a better world.

I offer comprehensive legal and strategic services to drive societal change, focused on the energy transition. My expertise extends beyond the energy market, encompassing any project or endeavor aimed at making a positive impact on our planet. I firmly believe that legal frameworks and strategic guidance play a crucial role in achieving tangible results.

Berlin TV Tower, Berlin, Germany

Contact Us Today

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